

Poland. Business Forward

2nd-3rd October

PGE Narodowy, Warsaw



Poland. Business Forward

2nd-3rd October

PGE Narodowy, Warsaw

Are you thinking about developing your business?

PAIH Business Forum is just for you!

PAIH Business Forum is an event organized for the SME sector and its partners - representatives of regions and development institutions. It is an event for entrepreneurs who want to develop, are looking for new solutions and ideas. Especially for those who are planning or have already started to expand into foreign markets. PAIH Business Forum is a unique opportunity to personally meet PAIH experts from over 70 foreign markets, receive practical knowledge and make business contacts.
Here you will learn about ready-made solutions and the support tools PAIH offers.

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in numbers






Meeting points




workshops and panels



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Zakres tematyczny

Hall: Main Stage, 04.10, 16:00-17:00

Polish Investment Zone – a reliable partner of entrepreneurs

The Polish Investment Zone was established pursuant to the Act of 10 May 2018 on supporting new investments. Thanks to this support instrument, tax exemptions are available throughout the country, and not, as before, only in SEZ subzones. Today, the whole country is divided into 14 areas managed by the Zones. Thanks to them, the Responsible Development Strategy was implemented to foster sustainable development of the whole country. Currently, the vast majority of investments under PSI are located outside the former SEZs. During the debate, panel participants will present PSI's five-year economic achievements. They will also indicate the privileges that entrepreneurs can count on when implementing new investments and talk about initiatives undertaken jointly with PAIH to support Polish exporters. SEZs operating within the Polish Investment Zone are long-term and reliable partners for PAIH. Thanks to the Polish Investment Zone, new foreign investments are effectively attracted to our country and Polish investors are effectively supported.
Hall: Paris A, 05.10, 15:15-

Marketplace – opportunities and challenges for the exporter

familiarize participants with the opportunities associated with the use of marketplace platforms to come out with e-commerce to foreign markets and the development of online export. We will discuss the challenges faced by entrepreneurs who want to expand their business to foreign markets. In addition to theoretical knowledge, we will listen to case studies of companies that have taken on cross-border e-commerce and want to share their experience with others. Among them will be experts from companies associated in the Chamber of Electronic Economy. Case studies presented by the panellists will certainly interest companies thinking about starting their adventure with cross-border e-commerce.
Hall: Paris C, 05.10, 14:00-15:00

Export sites – where to find information?

In recent years, online tools have become an increasingly important factor in the internationalization process of companies. In 2022, the Ministry of Development and Technology together with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency launched a new version of the portal. The Export Promotion Portal is not the only tool prepared for Polish exporters. Currently, there are more than 20 constantly updated export information portals, supported by countless websites of institutions, chambers of commerce, online editors and blogs. There is also more and more talk about cybersecurity. So where should you look for reliable information about exporting?
Hall: Paris B., 05.10, 14:00-15:00

Supporting investments – investment reliefs and incentives and the regulatory environment for the Fintech industry

Poland supports ambitious initiatives and through tax solutions, facilitates the development of your business. During this panel you will learn how to develop your business and take advantage of tax reliefs and incentives. You will learn how the tax system can support implemented innovations and investments in research and development activities. During this panel, you will also learn about the subject of Future Finance Poland, i.e. the new generation financial centre. It is an initiative supporting the development of the Polish financial centre in the regulatory, technological and business areas. The initiative also promotes the Polish financial centre abroad, as well as supports the expansion of Polish companies from the financial market. During the meeting, you will learn how we support such initiatives from the regulatory side and what the Polish innovation ecosystem on the financial market looks like.
Hall: Barcelona, 04.10, 16:30-17:30

The Sky is not the limit – from disbelief to a global social movement

During this lecture, the presenter will share his journey of development and overcoming barriers through parachuting. How they allowed him to overcome lack of confidence, find determination and courage, and finally motivate others to take action? Why is it worth sharing your experience? In what does running a business resemble parachute jumping? Does adrenaline drive you to act and motivate you to develop? Tomasz Kozłowski will talk about how parachute jumping allows you to blur the barriers between people, look at life and ones career from a new perspective and build energy for taking action and change.
Hall: London A, 05.10, 12:30-13:30

Effective stress management strategies in an organisation guarantee the success of a leader and his or her team

In today's dynamic business environment, the ability to effectively manage stress has become a key element for the success of both leaders and their teams. In this panel, we will discover what strategies a leader can employ to not only overcome stress, but also transform it into motivation and achievement. The discussion will focus on identifying the sources of stress in organisations and present practical tools that a leader can use to deal with difficulties in a constructive way. We will learn how to develop mental resilience and use stress management techniques for effective decision-making, effective communication and creating an inspiring work environment.
Hall: London A, 05.10, 11:15-12:15

Globalising business for start-ups – how to build a successful global start-up

What is the key for international growth for start-up ? How do founders' ambitions translate into company success? The panel will discusses the importance of the founder’s ambition and investment support as a basis for success. By analysing the mid-growth trap, we will explore how to avoid constraints in the growth process. We will also focus on the key elements of successful business globalisation. The role of investors and the State in the context of scaling will be analysed. Furthermore, we will discuss the risks and pitfalls of rapid startup growth.
Hall: London A, 05.10, 10:00-11:00

Dimensions of diversity, culture and intercultural communication in the process of foreign expansion

Progressing globalization makes the environment of international business a cocktail of diverse cultures, attitudes, views and social customs. This means that cultural sensitivity and mindfulness in the context of diversity become a necessary and critical condition for international and, importantly, lasting success. Proper understanding of the importance of the dimensions of culture, including their intelligent, practical and inclusive application in international business, means not only broadening cognitive horizons and strengthening the image and prestige of the company, but above all multiplying the chances of achieving measurable results in the process of global expansion.
Hall: Paris C, 05.10, 11:15-12:15

Leadership by women in the market development of SMEs

One in three companies in Poland was founded and is led by a woman - to be precise, 33.4 per cent of companies. In this respect, we are among the European leaders (the EU average is 31 per cent). We define female entrepreneurs as business owners employing at least one employee. In the panel discussion, we will elaborate on what motivates women to start their own business. Are there innovative industries among new business start-ups and how do women fare in new technologies? Are there differences between women and men’s style of business management ? What support do women need to grow their businesses?
Hall: Paris C, 05.10, 10:00-11:00

Building an innovation culture based on digital transformation

During Marcin Plassowski's lecture, he will discuss mapping opportunities to build a company's competitive advantage based on its resources, digital transformation culture as an imperative within the organisation. Going beyond the business comfort zone - operational agility - will also be addressed. How to navigate the hurricane of available business support tools will also be discussed.
Hall: Paris B, 05.10, 12:30-13:30

Creating the Brand of the Polish Economy: Tradition, Innovation and a Vision of the Future”

The discussion is to focus on the key aspect of building and developing the brand of the Polish economy. In the face of global competition and a dynamically changing business environment, the creation of a coherent, recognisable and credible National brand is becoming essential for success on the international stage. This panel is intended to provide a platform for the discussion of strategies, tools and practices that support the process of branding the Polish economy and shaping its image. The panel's experts will be representatives of both business and academia, as well as Government Institutions, who have studied the topic both theoretically and practically.
Hall: Paris A, 05.10, 14:00-15:00

Brand power to international power. Should a brand be proactive in the global marketplace?

'Brand power to international power. Should a brand be proactive in the global marketplace?" is a story about how to build brand strength and international power in today's hyper-competitive world. Researcher and business practitioner, Barbara Mróz-Gorgoń, Ph.D., Professor at UEW, during this authoritative lecture, will present in model form the factors positively influencing, and therefore fostering the internationalisation and globalisation of a brand, as well as explainig the elements impeding the development and even the factors disrupting the functioning of market entities and their brands - often latent and not obvious. All this based on scientific research as well as a collection of so-called good practices gathered from the experience of successful businesses.
Hall: Paris B, 05.10, 10:00-11:00

Is your organisations culture and its teams ready and open to diversity and overseas expansion? An organisation in culture change and transformation

In today's global business environment, cultural diversity and overseas expansion are becoming key drivers of an organisations success. In this inspiring lecture, we will look at what strategies and approaches can help an organisation transform its culture and teams in a way that promotes diversity acceptance and effective expansion. Our discussion will focus on analysing today's challenges of cultural diversity and overseas expansion. Together with the participants, we will consider what steps can be taken to make an organisation more open to diversity and ready for the dynamic changes resulting from international development.
Hall: Barcelona, 05.10, 10:00-11:00

Conquer new export markets with KUKE. Realistic projects and contract opportunities.

Are you looking for international contracts for your company? Do you want to conquer distant export markets in a secure way by participating in foreign investment projects? We help Polish companies to establish new business relationships, gain access to large international contracts and sell goods or services. A workshop with Propav Infraestructuras a company currently looking to produce goods in Poland for their ongoing investment projects around the world. Propav is an international company specialising in infrastructure development, renewable energy and industrial assembly, operating in emerging markets. The company will present viable projects and will be looking for suppliers of goods from Poland. An ideal opportunity to establish a business relationship! And all within the framework of the KUKE Shop in Poland initiative, where KUKE not only offers access to projects, financing and main contractors, but also ensures receivables within these projects making trade safe.
Hall: Paris A, 05.10, 10:00-11:00

Energy transformation: an opportunity to increase the competitiveness of SMEs

In the coming years, energy costs will have an increasingly strong impact on the competitiveness of the Polish economy, and therefore also on Polish companies. To meet the challenges of the energy transition and the growing expectations of consumers and customers to buy "green" products and services, businesses should already, from today, be looking for opportunities to reduce energy costs and increase energy efficiency in order to secure production processes. Invited experts will discuss why it is important to plan for the energy transition today.
Hall: Rome, 05.10, 10:00-11:00

The Polish Economy 2023 – a soft landing after global turbulence

After a series of external shocks, the Polish economy is experiencing a 'soft landing'. We are emerging from a difficult period with 17% real income growth (GDP per capita 2020-23) which is absolutely one of the best results in the entire EU. We now have the lowest unemployment rate in the EU in our history, growth in employment, real wages and investment, and a strong zloty. How is this upturn affecting the business sector? What does the immediate future hold and what challenges do we face to maintain this positive trend - these are the questions experts will try to answer during this panel.
Hall: Paris B, 05.10, 11:15-12:15

PAIH’s support in the development of investments in Poland

PAIH's Investment Department offers comprehensive support for companies considering locating investments in Poland. During the presentation, the support tools that we offer to investors during the entire investment process will be presented. Among the most important points of the presentation will be topics such as location choice support, administrative advice and detailed information on available Public Aid.
Hall: Paris A, 05.10, 12:30-13:30

Programs and support tools for investments in Poland

Poland is invariably one of the most attractive locations for new production, BSS and research and development projects. This is due to, among other things, the stable economic situation, well-qualified employees and modern infrastructure. An additional advantage is the numerous investment incentives. During this presentation, support tools offered to entrepreneurs during the entire investment process will be presented. Among the most important points of discussion will be topics such as Regional State Aid, Grants and Tax Exemptions.
Hall: Warsaw, 05.10, 14:45-16:15

The role of international organizations in the processes of supporting the reconstruction of Ukraine

As a result of the war, the Ukrainian economy has been ruined. The Ukrainian government is unable to finance the country's reconstruction on its own. Nor can many private foreign entrepreneurs afford to invest in Ukraine. International organizations such as the World Bank, the UN, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are meeting these challenges. To date, the participation of Polish entities in projects financed by these organizations has been negligible - before the war in Ukraine, the share of Polish companies in World Bank tenders was only 0.1%. The current situation makes it possible to export a significant part of goods and services to Ukraine based on international financing. The speakers will present the available support instruments and show how and what resources Polish exporters can use on the Ukrainian market.
Hall: Warsaw, 05.10, 12:30-14:30

How to do business in Ukraine? Opportunities and threats for Polish business

In this panel, the speakers will discuss the practical aspects of doing business on the Ukrainian market. They will talk about their experiences, strengths and weaknesses of the Ukrainian market and opportunities for Polish business related to the process of rebuilding Ukraine. Formal and legal issues in the field of economic cooperation between Poland and Ukraine will also be discussed.



    Małgorzata Eva Lendzion

    CEO of Big Idea Promotions sp. z o. o. Expert in Communication and Marketing. Advisor for Public Relations and Public Affairs. Vlogger @metaperspectv. Involved in the communication industry for 13 years. Founder of the independent Strategic-Creative Agency Big Idea Promotions sp. z o. o., providing consulting services to Polish and international brands for 10 years. As an expert in Public Affairs, spokesperson for companies' interests in Poland and the European Union. Organizer and participant in numerous social campaigns. Author of a videocast series on marketing creativity @metaperspectv.

    Krzysztof Świerk

    CEO of Promet Trans sp. z o.o., Managing Director of the Polish Chamber of Automotive Industry, Co-owner of Industry Solutions sp. z o.o., Member of the Sector Council for Competences in the Automotive Industry, including Electromobility, expert of the Center for Innovative Education. Formerly also: Specialist for cooperation with employers of the Central Examination Board, member of the National Team of VET Experts. In the past: director of a technical school, head of practical training, author and coordinator of international projects in the field of improving the quality of vocational education and training, as well as supporting students from small towns in terms of activating them on the labor market. Initiator of activities in the field of development of market qualifications and additional professional skills. Initiator of the construction of the Qualification Center in cooperation with nationwide employers' organizations and the first accredited Agrotronic Center in Europe.

    Adam Żołnowski

    Member of the Management Board, Chief Financial Officer
    Adam Zolnowski joined Baltic Hub Container Terminal (previously DCT Gdańsk) in May 2012. Prior to this he was Director at PwC, for 5 years leading the inward investment practice. Adam gained his wide experience also as Director General of the Polish Competition Authority and President of Polish Information & Foreign Investment Agency. In his professional career he worked with large international companies like LG, Samsung, Sharp, EoN and others to assist them to locate in Poland and Central-Eastern Europe. He was a member of Polish Securities and Exchange Commission, The Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Commission and an adviser of Uzbekistan government. More recently Adam was in charge of developing strategies for the Pomerania Region in Poland, where BHCT is located. He is an author of several publications in the area of foreign investment and competition. Adam graduated Gdansk University and University of Sussex. He completed controller’s application of Supreme Chamber of Control and Executive Management Program by Swedish Institute.

    Wojciech Skęczek

    Wojciech Skęczek - an expert in management and transportation with over 30 years of experience in leading companies. He graduated from AGH University in Krakow. He has been involved in the road transport sector and researching electric vehicles for many years. He has gained valuable skills in finance and company restructuring. Currently, he serves as the Director of Sales for foreign markets at SIMPLE H2 - a leading Polish company that makes independent hydrogen refueling stations and is also recognized as the first Polish manufacturer of electrolyzers. Wojciech is also a passionate traveler, music and literature lover, and a tennis player who values getting to know new cultures. His extensive experience and knowledge contribute to the development of SIMPLE H2 in international markets.

    Piotr Śladowski

    Piotr Śladowski, a graduate of the Faculty of Organization and Management of the Lodz University of Technology in the specialty of business management and doctoral studies at the College of Management and Finance at the Warsaw School of Economics. He was also a studied at the University of Central England in Birmingham (UK). Since 2005, he has been a lecturer at the Mazovian Academy in Płock, conducting classes in the area of management. Since September 2021, he has been associated with ARP e-Vehicles Sp. z o.o. - a company producing zero-emission buses, first as a head of development , and then from July 2022 as a Member of the Management Board of this company, and currently as the President of the Management Board. In the years 2016-2018 he was a Member of the Management Board of Orlen Paliwa Sp. z o. o. responsible for operational issues and fuel logistics, and then in the years 2019-2021 he was the Director and Proxy of the newly created power contracting department in Elbląg in the ENERGA SA Group. He was,, Vice-President of Inwestycje Miejskie in Płock, responsible for the supervision and analysis division as well as the planning and strategy division. In 2014, he became the vice-president of the Municipal Waste Utilization Plant in Kobierniki near Płock, and from March 2015 he was the president of the Management Board of the Municipal Enterprise in Gostynin.

    Krzysztof Zdziarski

    Krzysztof Zdziarski - CEO, management director, Krzysztof Zdziarski is an experienced manager associated with the ORLEN Group, recently he worked as a president of Unipetrol on the Czech market. Before that, he was managing the South branch of Orlen and the refinery production of the company. He started his professional career in Canada, managing the field operations of such companies as PLASTICS CANADA, IPEX, or CAN-US EMI. After his return to Poland, he was responsible for preparing a concept, creation, and leadership of the DDD company, which is a production-distribution platform shared between EMI, SONY, and Universal. Next for seven years, he was the general director of the polish division of UPS, and later for almost 5 years the board director of PEKAES SA. Sińce January 2021he is the CEO and management director in PESA Bydgoszcz. He is a manager with international experience in rebuilding and creation of development strategies for middle-sized and large companies. The brands that were directed by him he was not only responsible for planning changes and the build of structures within the organisation but also for long-term implementation of such plans and operational management of their realisation. He graduated from the Economics Department of Warsaw University, Management Leadership School in Boston (USA), Humber College, and Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto (Canada).

    Dr inż. Janusz Biliński

    graduate of the Electrical Department of the Warsaw University of Technology. Professionally associated with technical issues of electric traction in rail and road vehicles. Specialist in the field of rail transport systems, construction, and operation of rail vehicles (locomotives, streetcars, multiple units, coaches and metro trains), electric buses, trolleybuses. Author (or co-author) of numerous publications in the field of rolling stock: opinions, normative documents, technical requirements, articles, design guidelines. He cooperates with research units in Poland, with vehicle manufacturers (including NEWAG, PESA, Solaris, Modertrans..), with Polish notified bodies. He actively participates in standardization work in the field of electrical equipment in railroads and in the field of quality systems for railways. In his spare time, he pursues his hobby - photographing birds.

    Tomoho Umeda

    The founder of Hynfra and Hynfra Energy Storage. A entrepreneur and strategic advisor, promoter of hydrogen technologies and large-scale renewable energy solutions. He is committed to accelerating market and technological progress towards climate neutrality. Chairman of the Hydrogen Technologies Committee of the Polish Chamber of Commerce, a Vice CEO of the Polish association Hydrogen Poland, member of Hydrogen Europe and European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. He is a member of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce for Energy and Environmental Protection (IGEOŚ) and also a member of the Honorary Council of the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Technologies Center at Wrocław University of Technology. He is a lecturer at the Master of Business Administration (MBA) – Hydrogen Technologies Management at Collegium Humanum in Poland.

    Szymon Byliński

    Szymon Byliński is the director of the Department of Electromobility and Hydrogen Economy at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, a graduate of the National School of Public Administration. As an employee of the Ministry of Economy and then the Ministry of Energy, he was responsible for regulations concerning the fuel market, alternative fuels infrastructure and fuel quality. He was the head of the ministerial team for the quality of fuels and alternative fuels. He is the co-author of key documents for the development of electromobility in Poland: the Act of 11 January on electromobility and alternative fuels, the National Framework for the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure. Currently, as the director of the Department, he is responsible for the regulation of the electromobility market and for the Polish hydrogen strategy.

    Fernando Colmenares

    I am a Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland, with a Master's in Engineering specialising in Turbine Engines and Internal Combustion from the same institution. I honed my Engineering Project Management skills at the Universidad EAN in Colombia and earned a PhD in Engineering with a focus on Energy Systems and Optimization from Cranfield University, UK. I furthered my expertise as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Aerospace Engineering at the same university. Currently, I serve as the CEO of the Institute of Engineering Research and as a Professor at the University Cooperativa de Colombia. My particular expertise shines in the hydrogen value chain, with a focus on Research, Development, and Education (RDi & education). I've founded and lead the BERSTIC network, a co-creation initiative uniting Colombia, the United Kingdom, the European Union, the United States, and China. Moreover, my influence extends to UK Research and Innovation and Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MinCiencias) in Colombia, where I provide advisory and review contributions. I've also been selected by MinCiencias to lead the implementation of a scientific diplomacy promotion proposal between Colombia and Belgium, supported by partners in Spain, the United Kingdom, and Poland. As a member of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology, I contribute to global advancement in these fields. My trajectory reflects my dedication to engineering, research, and notably, my significant involvement in the hydrogen value chain, including education and business. • For further information please visit:

    Henryk Kubiczek

    Henryk Kubiczek is a graduate of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Faculty of Automatics, Electronics and Informatics. He is also a graduate of postgraduate studies at the Cracow Business School, majoring in Enterprise Management. Since 2008, he has been involved in domestic and foreign research and development projects related to energy and chemistry in the broadest sense. Today, as Director of the Strategy and Development Department at Grupa Azoty S.A., he is heavily involved in the development of the hydrogen economy and decarbonization of the chemical industry. Passionate about innovation and an advocate of cooperation with startups.

    Raymond Paul Dokpesi, Jnr

    Raymond Paul Dokpesi, Jnr is a seasoned Broadcast Administrator and the Chairman of DAAR Communications Plc, a publicly listed Company on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. He holds a first degree in Business Administration from the University of Lagos (2004) and Masters Degree in Public Relations and Public Communication from the University of Westminster, London 2006. Dokpesi Jnr. began his career as a part-time Marketing Officer with DAAR Communications Ltd now Plc in 2001 while still a student. He rose gradually through the ranks, assuming positions such as Marketing Executive, Chief Marketing Officer, Director of Marketing and Managing Director of DAAR Educational Services (DES). He also established a specialized Marketing and Public Relations Consultancy firm, Virgo & Virgo Solutions Limited which focused on Direct-to-Home Cable TV marketing and direct response television sales. In 2008, Dokpesi Jnr became the pioneer International Sports Rights and Content Acquisition Manager at DAAR Communications where he was responsible for sourcing and acquiring international sporting rights for Africa Independent Television (AIT), RayPower FM and the DHTV/Daarsat platform. He also marketed these rights to the Organization’s sporting partners in Nigeria, Africa and the international markets. Dokpesi Jnr. has coordinated several outstanding broadcast ventures and initiatives including: FIFA U17 World Cup 2009 in Nigeria, Nigeria Elections Debate Group (NEDG) - Presidential Debates 2007, 2011 and 2015, Governorship Debates (NEDG) in Edo, Ondo and Anambra States in 2012 and 2014 and Sierra-Leone Presidential Debates in 2012. He is an active member of the Broadcasting Organization of Nigeria (BON) and a strong supporter of numerous NGOs and Civil Society Organizations. He is also a champion for Youth empowerment and leadership across the political divide. Dokpesi Jnr is a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, UK and the Institute of Directors (IoD) Nigeria. He has attended several broadcast management, marketing and sports rights acquisition conferences, exhibitions and seminars in the USA, Europe, the United Kingdom and Africa. Dokpesi Jnr’s passions include entrepreneurship, politics, socializing, reading, soccer and philanthropy. He is married with children.

    Professor Shyaka Anastase

    Ambassador of Rwanda to Poland
    H.E. Professor Anastase Shyaka is the current ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Rwanda to Poland since 2021. From 2018 to 2021 he served as Minister of Local Government, and in 2013- 2016 he acted as Board Member for the UN Global Center for Public Service Excellence based in Singapore. His professional experience also included working as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rwanda Governance Board (2011- 2018), Executive Secretary of Rwanda Governance Advisory Council (2008- 2011). Fulbright Scholar in Residence at George Mason University and Northern Virginia Community College, teaching Political Change in Contemporary Africa (2007). Director of the Centre for Conflict Management (CCM), National University of Rwanda (2005- 2008). As CEO of RGB, he initiated the Rwanda Governance Scorecard (RGS), a kind of governance index to promote accountability, government effectiveness and service delivery. In 2012- 2013 he acted as Member of the East African Community (EAC) Regional Task Force appointed by the Heads of EAC Member States to study the feasibility of the EAC political federation. In 2009- 2012, he coordinated the Joint Governance Assessment (JGA), a framework established by the Government of Rwanda and its Development Partners (DPs) to jointly assess the state of governance in the country and provide policy recommendations to address identified challenges. He holds a PhD in Political Science (University of Gdansk), Master HEC in “Sciences de Gestion Approfondies” (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales & Warsaw University of Technology) and M.Sc in Chemical Technology (Warsaw University of Technology).

    Olga Pikula

    Councillor, Head of Committee for Budget, Economic and SMEs development in Mariupol City Council. Coordinator of international affairs and communication in Mariupol revitalisation project “Mariupol Reborn” Olga is an entrepreneur herself, Owner & CEO of an organisation in private education sphere . Worked on projects of businesses development in Mariupol, from 2020 - 2021 occupied the position of a Chairman of the Board of Directors in Mariupol “SME development and support centre”. Now is working on Mariupol Revitalisation Strategy 2040 as well as represents Mariupol city council on international level attracting support, expertise and fundraising for the city after-deoccupation recovery.

    Joanna Romańczuk

    Joanna Romańczuk is managing Central and Eastern Europe Market at TMF Group. She is leading over 800 professionals across 6 countries, delivering Accounting and Tax, Human Resources & Payroll and Entity Management services to over 1000 global and local clients. She is also a Member of the Management Board of RDC Katowice, TMF Group’s Regional Delivery Center operating in Katowice, and employing over 500FTE. Prior to joining TMF Group, Joanna Romańczuk was working for MoneyGram Poland, and since 2018 she was President of the Management Board. Joanna Romańczuk graduated from Law & Administration Department of Warsaw University and completed postgraduate studies at Warsaw School of Economics. Joanna is an active mentor, dedicating her time and experience helping others unlock and realize their potential. She is a mother of two daughters Zofia (19) and Antonina (13) and a passionate equestrian

    Agnieszka Koroś

    Philologist, translator and interpreter, graduate of postgraduate studies in social communication and media. She gained her editing and translation skills in news agencies and online portals. She also cooperated with foreign television channels as a producer. Her export experience is also extensive – she has worked for more than 12 years as a sales representative and manager in the drive mechanics and FMCG sector. She has been worked for the Polish Investment and Trade Agency for a year and a half as the editor of Internet portals and expert of program "My business abroad – a model of institutional support for SMEs in the area of internationalization of company offers and starting operations on international markets."

    Ewa Krajewska

    Graduated from the Institute of Applied Linguistics in Warsaw, was educated in the US and gained a distinction from the National Honor Society, a graduated from the Television Academy. For several years she lived in Paris working in the fashion industry for, among others, Chanel, Max Mara, Escada, L'Oreal, Jacques Dessange, Kenzo. After returning to Poland, she founded Fashion Project – a creative agency specializing in PR activities, brand building, production and innovative workshops with a wide artistic spectrum. As a PR director, she led SKM SAR projects including KTR, Effie, Cannes Lionnes Polska, See & Say, and Young Creatives. She worked with the American company Victoria's Secret introducing the brand to the Polish market. She cooperates as an industry expert in the fashion sector. She cooperates with the US as the exclusive and official representative of the global fashion fair COTERIE NEW YORK, DESTINATION MIAMI & LAS VEGAS, PROJECT and MAGIC in the territory of Poland .Ewa cooperates with PAIH as an industry expert during international fashion fairs. Nominated for the Glamour magazine- Woman of the Year award and for the ZŁote Szpilki award. On a daily basis, she also shares his knowledge as a lecturer at VIAMODA and tries to explore the subject of innovation and new technologies in fashion and design.

    Damian Wiszowaty

    Amazon’s expert with over 7 years’ experience, a lawyer, expert in the subject of intellectual property law and new technologies. He specializes in scaling sales in the cross-border multichannel model. Speaker in the field of e-commerce at the most important economic events such as the European Economic Congress in Katowice or the European Forum for New Ideas in Sopot. Founder of Gonito – a market leader in comprehensive service on global sales markets, one of the largest European agencies specializing in marketplaces. Co-founder of the platform supporting Polish manufacturers and distributors in expansion into foreign markets.

    Anita Frankowiak

    PhD, profesor at University of Warmia &Mazury
    Cultural expert, mediator (economic, criminal, civil mediation), certified tutor, certified coach, cultural expert, synergologist, philologist with pedagogical specialization, expert in intercultural communication and diplomatic protocol. Business trainer with 30 years of professional practice with an international Transforming Communication TM certificate. Professor at the UWM in Olsztyn (Institute of Journalism and Social Communication). Head of preschool and early school pedagogy studies carried out as part of the "Innovative Teachers" project at the Managerial Academy of Applied Sciences in Warsaw. In 2018-2020, Professor at the Warsaw School of Management (Institute of Management and Technical Sciences). Since 2010, Director of the Institute of Diplomacy. She has conducted over 13,900 training hours and over 2,000 consulting services for entrepreneurs, providing feedback and helping them build development strategies, organizational assumptions, recovery plans and export products to international markets (among others Scandinavian countries, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, China, Japan, USA, UAE, Middle East countries). She has completed over 200 hours of individual and group coaching support, including those for entrepreneurs. In 2021, she launched and led the first fully original School of Intercultural Tutors in Poland at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

    Agnieszka Kuśnierz

    Export director and co-owner of AFFECT Cosmetics, for many years associated with sales, certified sales coach, auditor, conducting Mastermind workshops as part of postgraduate studies of the "Manager's Academy" in Katowice. AFFECT Cosmetics operates in the field of colour cosmetics. The brand is successfully expanding on the domestic and international markets.

      Key note speaker

      Main stage, 4.10, 14.15-14.45

      Marek Kamiński

      Conqueror of the North and South Poles and founder of Life Plan Academy and Kaminski Academy, i.e. organizations supporting mental resilience in children and adults. Mentor, entrepreneur and discoverer of human potential. He has made over 80 extreme expeditions. He was the first person in the world to reach both of the Earths poles in one year, without outside help, for which he was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Among other things, he reached the Poles with Jasiek Mela, a disabled, then 15-year-old , proving that nothing is impossible. He inspires hundreds of thousands of people in Poland and around the world through his books, films, podcasts, webinars and coaching programs. As part of Kaminski Academy cooperated with such companies as PWC, Geberit, Invena, Polpharma and Nestle.



      Joanna Snopek Berbercioğlu

      Has 12 years of experience in commercial and residential real estate, gained in international development companies and sector NGOs. She started her career in the international marketing department of a shopping centre developer. Over the years, she has gained experience in leasing, acquiring and conducting relationships with international clients and preparing investments in Irish, Hungarian and Israeli companies. For 5 years, she has been managing the PAIH Foreign Trade Office in Istanbul. Advising Polish companies on how to operate on the Turkish market, actively analysing business potential and competitive environment, with particular emphasis on the impact of cultural factors on business relations and consumer preferences.

      Sandun Wijesekara

      United Arab Emirates
      Business Development Manager in PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office w Dubaju. Born and raised in the United Arab Emirates, he holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Wollongong in Dubai. He has a range of experience including advice on market entry, customer service, project and sales management. A passionate, highly motivated and experienced Business Development Manager that has a range of experiences including market entry advising, customer service and extensive project and sales management. Motivated by providing quality work through a vast knowledge of marketing and effectively demonstrate a track record of driving increased sales, improving buying experience and elevating company profile with target markets. He has a diligent approach towards keeping the product and value-added services presentable to maximize business revenue, with a strong command of written and spoken English language.

      Kağan Nalbantoğlu

      Business Development Manager in PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Istanbul. He studied at Anadolu University and Ankara University. He has been helping Polish entrepreneurs since December 2015 – initially working in the Trade and Investment Promotion Department of the Polish Embassy in Ankara, and since 2019 – in the Polish Investment and Trade Agency.

      Kasia Muzyk

      Head of PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Johannesburg. Bachelor of Commerce with a specialisation in Investment Management from the University of Pretoria. She also completed postgraduate studies in economics. She started her career as an administrator of investment funds. She worked as a Private Banker (RMB Private Bank), and then gained experience in business banking (FNB Business), where she analyzed companies with a turnover of at least PLN 42m+. With PAIH since 2020. She speaks Polish, English and Afrikaans.

      Krzysztof Staśko

      Working in PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Lagos for four years, and for almost 20 years in Nigeria. An IT specialist by education, and a Manager of many international projects in the region with practical experience. He actively supports the business activities of Polish entrepreneurs, including the Polish diaspora – co-founder of the Polish Institute in Lagos. Passionate automotive hobbyist and promoter of travel and tourism.

      Karabo Mahibila

      Business Development Manager in PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Johannesburg. She has a multifaceted academic background having obtained a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, as well as post-graduate degrees in International Politics, and Development Studies at the University of Pretoria, The University of South Africa, and the University of Witwatersrand respectively. Her expertise lies primarily in stakeholder relations management and trade and investment promotion, with extensive experience in working with the European business and diplomatic community. Her previous tenure was as General Manager of the Southern African Netherlands Chamber of Commerce until she joined the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) in January 2022. Her role is to support trade-related inquiries from Polish businesses exploring and navigating the South African market and also to promote PAIH as a valuable facilitator and create meaningful relationships with South African partners and stakeholders.

      Patrycja Lisikiewicz

      United Arab Emirates
      Patrycja Lisikiewicz is a Business Development Manager in the Polish Investment and Trade Agency’s office in Dubai. Ms. Lisikiewicz has over 10 years of project and events management experience across 5 countries, working in multiple industries and functions. In her six years in Dubai she gained her expertise in managing high-level stakeholders' relationships by working extensively with senior government officials, CEOs, and top corporate executives on the organization of high-quality events, ranging from small intimate think-tank group conversations all the way up to larger events. She had the honour to work and deliver market intelligence reports for many UAE Government bodies, namely:the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dubai Tourism, Dubai Chamber, DP World, Dubai Economic Development, Dubai Healthcare Authority, Dubai FDI, Dubai Free Zones Authorities, Mubadala, Masdar. She successfully executed a review of 12 laws and regulations for the Federal Competitiveness and Statistic Centre, and helped to co-create an executive summary report with recommendations, for which she was awarded a “Certificate of Appreciation”. Ms. Lisikiewicz holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Management from University of Economics in Wroclaw, Poland. Privately, a passionate traveler and ballroom dance enthusiast.

      Michael Mazurewicz

      Head of PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Nairobi. Born in Pretoria. He graduated with a degree in supply chain management from the British Logistics Institute (University of Hull). He has ten years of experience in sales, logistics and business administration consulting in the UK, Poland and Kenya. For seven years he has been advising Polish companies on operating on the African continent, primarily in South Africa and Kenya. He actively analyses the business potential and competitive environment of emerging East African markets (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda) with particular knowledge of the automotive, construction and food processing sectors.

      Jan Bochniak

      Business Development Manager in PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Casablanca. Previously, for several years, he worked as an export coordinator and manager in private companies in the construction industry. With PAIH for three years. He searches for business opportunities for Polish companies in Morocco. He supports them in their foreign expansion – from the analysis of export potential and market specifics, through searching for and verifying partners, to trade negotiations or investment consulting.

      Eva Mezher

      United Arab Emirates
      Eva currently is a Business Development Manager in PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Dubai, UAE. She has over eight years of experience in advisory services across various industries, working at PwC within the Corporate Finance team. Prior to that, Eva also worked as a Relationship Manager at HSBC France where she managed a portfolio of around one hundred corporate clients, and as an auditor at KPMG. She speaks Polish, English and French.

      Justyna Sitarska

      Head of PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Lagos. She graduated from the faculty of Dutch philology at the University of Wrocław and psychology in business from the School of Banking in Wrocław. Manager and entrepreneur with many years of experience on the international market. During her professional career, she led projects in Poland and Spain. She was a Sales Director in Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago and Nigeria, where she worked on emerging markets investment publications and promotions for USA Today and The Independent. She was also the founder and Managing Director of Filigri Consulting, a Nigerian-based consultancy, business development and sales strategy training for Nigerian blue chip companies. She has been living and working in Lagos since 2012, which is why she perfectly understands the Nigerian market and its specifics.

      Ayman Farouk

      Business Development Manager in PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Cairo. Bachelor of Commerce from Cairo University. He gained experience in the tourism industry, among others, as the director of a Polish tourist company in Hurghada. He has been associated with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency since May 2018. He speaks Arabic, Polish and English.

      Maciej Klósak

      Head of PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Casablanca. Responsible for the Moroccan and Algerian markets. Doctor of technical sciences, civil and mechanical engineer. He was educated in Poland, Belgium and France. He also holds an MBA from Nottingham Trent University. He has been associated with Morocco since 2013 through research and development. He was the Head of the materials research laboratory at the Universiapolis in Agadir. He has managerial experience in the municipal and construction sectors. Research worker in Poland and abroad,( in among other,. Arcelor Mittal R&D office, Poznan University of Technology, Polish Academy of Sciences). A passionate traveller – a member of The Explorers Club in New York and the Geography Association in Paris. He speaks French and English.

      Elnara Mammadova

      Gained professional experience for many years in Azerbaijan and Poland. She worked as, among other things, the head of PAIH’s Foreign Trade Office in Baku, at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Warsaw and in the Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw. She has been associated with PAIH since 2018, since April 2023 she has been supporting Polish entrepreneurs on the Turkish market.

        -  Agenda -

        Wednesday 4.10

        Thursday 5.10


        Mentoring Zone

        Meet and talk zone with Speakers, where participants will be able to have mentoring talks on topics of interest. Speakers will share their knowledge and answer questions. This is new compared to previous editions.

        Partners and patronage

        Honorary Patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda
        Strategic partner

        -  Main partners -


        -  Media Patrons -


        -  Substantive partner -


        Partners and patronage

        -  Media Patrons -



        Gate No. 1 - gate located on the eastern part of the building (FORUM), from the side of Aleja Zieleniecka.

        In the case of traveling by public transportit is best to get to gate No. 1:

        • Going from the Washington Roundabout, turn right along the PGE National Fence.
        • Going from the PKP / Metro side, you should circle PGE Narodowy going to the left, keeping the stadium on your right. In the grounds of PGE Narodowy there are information posts indicating the direction of access to individual gates.

        To reach Gate 1 by car, go around the stadium clockwise, keeping it on your right. It is possible to leave your car free of charge in the grounds of PGE Narodowy near gate 1.


        -  gallery -

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